This category includes all seafood sent to Vietnam for
re-processing (outward processing or other custom procedures). The processors charge a processing fee for their services.
Latin name : Sepia officinalis
Origin : France
At OFCO, we are excited to unveil our Cuttlefish Project. Vietnam, with its rich tradition and recognized expertise in processing cephalopods, including cuttlefish, serves as the ideal location for this initiative.
Given Vietnam’s reputation in the field, it’s no surprise that it has become a hub for such contracts. At OFCO, we take immense pride in spearheading one of the major cephalopod projects directed from Europe for reprocessing in Vietnam.
This project not only leverages Vietnam’s established skills in cephalopod processing but also underscores our commitment to delivering quality and value to our clients. As with all our initiatives, The Cuttlefish Project is a testament to our dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment to excellence.